iron man 3

iron man 3 – completes the trilogy

Finally got to see Iron Man 3, it’s the third installment in to the Iron Man franchise, this film being directed and written by Shane Black. I’m a Shane Black fan, he’s done; the Lethal Weapon movies, Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang, The Last Boyscout…
In short, the third movie is about Tony Stark battling a new villain as well as personal demons.

The good; Robert Downey Jr, he carries this movie completely and thoroughly. His comedy timing and delivery is great, there’s some scenes in particular with a kid, but I won’t get in to it.

The scene where Iron Man has to rescue passengers suddenly ejected from a plane is great. There’s a real sense of geography and urgency amidst this chaotic situation and it’s pulled off very well.

The bad; it wasn’t the movie I had hoped for, not typical of Shane Black’s previous work. The twists and turns aren’t hard to spot, and much like The Dark Knight Rises, there isn’t much of Iron Man in this film. It seemed that there was too much to service in the story, you have the Extremis stuff as well as the Mandarin.

Overall, enjoyed it better than the second movie, but the first movie is still the best one out of the trilogy.
Again… wait till the end of the credits (as you should) for a tag at the end.

hero complex – 12,13-june-2011

This weekend was my first one spent in LA in just about a month, circumstances have taken me away for one reason or another.  It was good coming back to the Hollywood church and giving the welcome, I’m surprised that they keep allowing me to perform that particular duty during the service, guess my way of doing things is ok.  But more importantly, it was great seeing everyone again.  Then it was Ryan’s graduation party, he’s not a doctor from Fuller, so so awesome.

Sunday I hung out with Howard and had lunch at the Toasted Bun.  Then for the afternoon and evening I went with Jeremy and Smyrna to the Hero Complex Film Festival at the Chinese 6 in Hollywood.  Got to see Iron Man 1 & 2 with a Q&A from Jon Favreau, then… Robert Downey Jr shows up.  We also go to see the new 3D Captain America Trailer plus an extended trailer/clip from Cowboys & Aliens.
